Not only does the cold air outside parch our skin, the indoor heat dries it out more. As the temperature drops, so does the humidity. So, the cold air sucks all the moisture from your skin and we then further the issue by taking long, hot showers to only wash as our protective skin oils and the result is dry, flaky skin that is extremely itchy.
Your face will feel dry, and the colder weather will cause inflammation, redness and sensitivities. You should be using a mild cleanser with no detergents, as they too will strip whatever oils you have left from the winter and a good slightly heavier night moistuzuer. Exfoliating once or twice a week. Your lips will also take a beating due to the thinner skin and lack of oils on top of having a cold or flu, which in turn causes more mouth breathing and blowing of the nose that causes more drying, this all sets up dry, chapped lips. A good lip balm is need before going outside and before bed to lock in the moisture. Since we ingest most of what we put on our lips you can also apply olive or avocado oil or shea butter, which is rich in vitamin A, and all promote healing.
Your hands and feet will take a beating as well, they will become dry, cracked, and itchy. Use a good thick moisturizer and stop in for a mani/pedi!
A good strategy for healthy winter nourished skin starts within as author Ping Zhang, Ph.D, a traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner promotes. This means drinking more caffeine-free fluids, including water, fruit juices, and herbal teas. Food that will nourish winter skin and yourself include soups/stews, root vegetables, beans, miso/seaweed, garlic and ginger. Eating warm hearty soups, whole grains, and roasted nuts help to warm the body’s core and to keep us nourished.
We have available Sundari and Atzen for all you needs this winter season.
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